Lights. Camera. Our Words Our City.
Our Words Our City: April 2019 photo album
Set in the historic Studio Theatre, this season’s Our Words Our City was a night filled with performances that made us laugh, cry, and reflect on the world around us. Our Words Our City gave our DC SCORES poet-athletes a chance to express themselves on a stage unlike any other.
The night started with a performance from our very own, Charity Blackwell. Charity’s poem titled “Wokeness” set the mood for the night, and gave the crowd a taste of what was to come.
Our Words Our City featured performances by nine DC SCORES’ poet-athletes and four award-winning guest poets. Some common themes from the night included commentary on the challenges and fears of being a minority in America today, the importance of self-love and acceptance, and the all too commonly known love-hate relationship with the school cafeteria.
The night also included a group poem segment, which quickly became a crowd favorite. Three prompts were passed around the room, and each attendee had a chance to try their hand at writing poetry. The prompts were “advice I wish I could give to my younger self,” “YOUTH VOICE” acrostic and “dear DC weather…” and provided a chance to laugh and grow as an audience.
Our night ended with a round of meet-and-greets and autographs with the poet-athletes, who we have no doubt will be turning heads and changing the world with their words someday. Our Words Our City was an incredible opportunity to give our poet-athletes a chance to share their experiences, while showing them that they possess endless amounts of talent.
A special thank you goes out to all the attendees, the staff of Studio Theatre and Ghibellina who provided food for the evening. This memorable evening would not have been made possible without the support of the community, and the countless hours of hard work put in by DC SCORES Director of Creative Arts and Education, Charity Blackwell and Operations Manager, Greta Adjei Silas.
This season’s Our Words Our City will soon be available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video! Until then, check out last season’s performances HERE!